Namaste to all who read this blog.
For years now I have been voicing (along with so many millions of other people) about the annual dolphin hunts that take place at Taiji. I am always surprised each year to learn that many folk still don't know of this practice. I guess this blog is for those few who aren't aware.
Every year from September to March, Taiji (Japan), holds a hunt for dolphins along with short - finned pilot whales, false killer whales and melon headed whales. There are a few reasons these hunts are allowed to happen and the media corruptly veils such practice, so much so the number of Japanese people who do not know these hunts exist is shocking.
One reason for the hunts is said to be for the meat of the dolphins and whales even though the general public are eating less meat from this source over the years and it is well known that the meat contains toxic levels of mercury.
Another more secretive reason is that accordng to Japanese fishermen (backed by the Japanese Government) the dolphins and whales are depleting the fish population so need to be reduced but as we all know by now over fishing is causing the decline of fish in the oceans and is a global problem created by the hands of humans not the balance of ocean life that simply takes what they need to survive.
One of the most hidden causes of these hunts though is captivity. Of the hundreds of innocent lives the hunts claim, so many will be taken into a life of captivity for human entertainment. I am sure most have heard of dolphinariums or sickening places such as Seaworld, well, these are the money making reasons for the Taiji hunts. Every year the Japanese fishermen are given a quota of how many species they are allowed to hunt/kill, I shall include this quota for 2019 below.
What can we do I hear so many say. My answer to that is we speak out. Never underestimate the impact of education, if one person learns and informs another and they inform another and so forth, there becomes a ripple effect and that ripple effect gathers strength and momentum, any change in the world needs education first and foremost, as I mentioned above, so many people are still unaware of this barbaric hunt.
Never be silent, keep voicing even if you think no-one is listening, We owe it to these voiceless, sentient beings to educate all we can. It may seem there is minimal we can do but there are ways to help and have your say, I have included some ideas in the links below from the Dolphin Project website which may help inspire.
As with most things in life, if the corporations are allowed to get away with such atrocities, they will continue to do so unless the masses speak out. If people are not made aware of how dolphins and whales are taken into captivity then they will never realise the pain and torture involved.
The captivity part is more simple in theory than stopping the hunts, one simply needs to never visit a dolphinarium again or places like Seaworld etc. No visits, no need for captivity. As for the hunts, well, educate, spread the word, have a look at the links included in this blog as they are greatly informative and do what little you can because little when a sum of the part becomes whole one day. It all helps...seriously so.
I hope before I leave this panet that I see the Taiji hunts stop and that places which keep such beautiful, innocent creatures imprisoned are shut down. I hope corporations are exposed for who they are and what they do and the masses rise and invoke the revolution so many do actually want.
It starts by not looking away because it hurts to see.
By educating and letting the ripple grow.
We owe it to the voiceless to be their voice.
Thank you for reading, blessings to all...