Sometimes I read a book and my mind travels through time. I wander and weave through thoughts about the author as well as what is written in the story. Recently I have been reading a novel by the author Rabindranath Tagore called "The Wreck". I won't go into detail about said novel as it is not my place to jot spoilers along the path of those who are yet to discover the work of Tagore but one thing that strikes me is the lack of remembrance for such people or their ideals.
I know many things contribute to that, like not being aware of a certain author or the passing of time but if one has stumbled on the works of someone memorable then it is worthy of writing about, in my opinion. Words recorded are words to be discovered at some point.
Tagore not only wrote novels and stories, he also purged poetry and prose, philosophical meanderings and was a musician and artist as well. Reading his thoughts and emotions is a soul moving experience. There is no doubt a reverence for nature within his writing as well as an old soul wisdom that is executed and I resonate with.
What I find interesting about the novel "The Wreck" from a modern day perspective is the walk through a different culture of the past. The story is set in India in a time very different to the now. It is educational to read as well as engaging but I digress, as mentioned before it is not my task to place spoilers along the path of the curious.
My point is not only are writers/artists forgotten over the years, their ideas vanish with them, mostly. Either that or the ideals are forgotten and the person themselves are revered in statue form and the foundation of their beliefs or teachings are forgotten. There seems to be no balance, such is the theme of life, I guess.
For example, last week I visited a park for a sunset walk in nature. As the walk was ending and the exit looming further forward, I found myself before a bronze statue of the philosopher Swami Vivekananda. Not the person forgotten here but the ideals he upheld I feel. Whereas the statue is a wonderful display for sure and well worth witnessing, I ask myself how many of his thoughts are respected still or even remembered. Like I said, it seems a forgetting of the person or the forgetting of ideals and a disjointed remembrance of the person. Remembrance of both is rare these days.
It is sad in some ways. Influential people once looked up to become almost deified and the essence of their lessons lost in the void of modernity somehow. Indeed, a lot of those deified or raised above the common status of a humble being never anticipated such or even wanted such a raising of recognition.
We all find inspiration in many ways and what is meant for my own path is not necessarily meant for others and vice versa but I couldn't help ponder on these thoughts today. Perhaps it is not simply remembering but passing the knowledge along to those we know to keep such sacred texts and wonderment alive. Maybe humanity has grown tired of the past too quickly thinking the present offers all they need. Personally I think there is much to reflect on in literature and ideas of the past, we just have to search for what resonates and find the rubies in the dust.
Rabindranath Tagore
Swami Vivekanand