Soar the heavens
soar inside self
self as higher
self when ascended
ascended in consciousness
ascended with might
might angels guard
might divinity applaud
applaud the trials
applaud the victory
victory of faith
victory with haste
haste to mutate
haste to transform
transform the negative
transform the bane
bane that cursed
bane that drained
drained life's force
drained the dawn
dawn speak now
dawn hold light
light to warm
light to ignite
ignite the power
ignite freedom's flight
flight within darkness
flight of illumination
illumination of utopia
illumination of Gods
Gods know when
Gods always know
know the time
know the date
date we rise
date we go
go is metaphorical
go is finite
finite as death
finite as day
day breaks away
day carves shapes
shapes that move
shapes that speak
speak in riddles
speak with strength
strength that wanes
strength in pain
pain wanes
Poetry©Words Among Trees
Image - Pixabay - free domain
Experimentation with the poetry form of "The Blitz Poem" which is a 50-line poem of short phrases and images and was created by Robert Keim. I haven't used phrases as such rather my own purging...form experimented with in my own way...