You painted madness
the most vivid colours
I should have enquired more
how it suffocated the canvas
of your artistic mind
how the pit of hell felt
rather than appeared
I sensed you wander
as they held your hands
hands you said looked withered
I saw you walk dark corridors
prayed the hurtful echoes were less
each time I heard your footsteps
I wish I could hear your voice
the world has gone insane
there are no angels here
too much blood has stained tears of the sensitive
I glanced at your astringent poetry
in the soft blue book this afternoon
since then time has looped random memories
the words never get easier to dwell on or accept
deep breath
there are no angels here
I don't believe there ever was
the sun has refused to shine for weeks
allowing sadness to further sink
god shows no mercy to this realm
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Art by Botticelli